The Fleischerverse Gang
Media Geek Captain Action Blog Image Tease

‘Media Geek: A Call to (Captain) Action’

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Ever since he obtained the Glass Onion — the device that allows him to travel to any dimension, fictional, real or a combo of the two — Media Geek has been having some amazing adventures. In this one, he encounters legendary action figure superhero, Captain Action. Special thanks to Ed Catto and the folks at […]

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MEET THE ARTIST: Fernando Sosa

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Artist Fernando Sosa, who hails from Argentina, provided the image and bio below, which chronicles many of his amazing accomplishments. His art can be found in issues 1, 2 and 4 of Fleischer & The Group, and in a number of Media Geek & Friends, Al’s Place and Fleischer & Friends comic strips.  

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MEDIA GEEK & FRIENDS: Meet the Geeks

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This particular strip was just to serve as a quick introduction to the various characters. Since the time of this one, Fleischer has made occasional appearances and more recently we’ve introduced the angriest fan on the planet, Kenny Zee. Roddy serves as an early version of the character that would become Fleischer’s arch enemy, Epa, […]

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PART 1: The Making of the Fleischerverse

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Embrace your inner moron. From the beginning, that was the philosophy behind Fleischer & The Group. The idea was to take any concept that came to mind – no matter how silly or outrageous – and see how it would fly when put in the words or actions of Fleischer and his teammates. Actually, Fleischer […]

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MEDIA GEEK & FRIENDS: Avatar Obsession

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Remember in the ancient days when the world went insane for James Cameron’s Avatar? We do and we did, which resulted in this installment of the Media Geek & Friends comic strip in which Media Geek, his girlfriend Eileen, Fleischer and (not so much) Roddy are worried about the growing obsession for the film that’s […]

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At the moment we’ve got nine issues of Fleischer & The Group in various stages of production. While we’re not ready to launch the comics yet, we wanted to take this opportunity to introduce readers to the characters making up this title through this preview comic. In a sense, the proceedings are “hosted” by Golden […]

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FLEISCHER & FRIENDS: Reistance is Futile

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More and more I find myself wondering how Fleischer would react to certain situations, and after watching the feature film Star Trek: First Contact, I couldn’t help but imagine our hero’s encounter with the Borg. The result is the strip which follows, which was written by Ed Gross with art by Fernando Sosa.

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Media Geek & The Glass Onion: Part 1

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Media Geek and his friends have been kicking around the Internet for a number of years, but a new age is dawning for MG, his girlfriend Eileen, the intelligent talking ape Roddy, Timmy Tribble and the superhero without a clue, Fleischer, as they encounter the power of the Glass Onion, a mystical device that dissolves […]

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New York Comic-Con has just ended and reportedly it broke all attendance records. Apparently pushing them over the top was the arrival of Media Geek, Eileen, Timmy Tribble and Roddy, the latter of whom finds it impossible to keep his opinion of happenings around him to himself.  

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Over the past couple of years we had done a number of comic strips focusing on Fleischer and some of his friends who were not originally designed to be part of the Fleischerverse. Among them were Media Geek (Ed Gross’ sort of online alter ego), Roddy (Epa’s “slower” brother) and Timmy Tribble, who dedicates himself […]

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